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Adagios web interface with Nagios3 and CentOS7 in Docker container

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Home -> Adagios Nagios3 CentOS 7 Docker image

Adagios Nagios3 CentOS 7 Docker image


This is adapted from pschmitt/adagios and included the following features:

Usage notes

There are sample nagios plugins checks via ssh scripts located in opt/ directory, as well as the shell script that install these plugins. Copy them to /opt volume, then add the necessary commands/services for the plugins via Adagios interface. is kept as example alternative.

It is strongly advisable to pre-generate passphraseless SSH public key to be stored in the nagios user home directory when using these nagios plugins.

Make sure to customise /etc/postfix/ to send out nagios alerts email.

Please review and edit docker-adagios.service systemd service file before use.



Complete Example

docker build -t uqwhsu/adagios --rm=true --force-rm=true .

docker run -d -h nagios -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  -e ADAGIOS_USER=nagiosadmin \
  -e ADAGIOS_PASS=nagiosP@ssw0rd \
  -e GIT_REPO=true \
  -e LOCALTIMEZONE=Australia/Brisbane \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/adagios:/etc/adagios \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/nagios:/etc/nagios \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/pnp4nagios:/var/lib/pnp4nagios \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/log:/var/log/nagios \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/opt:/opt \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/.ssh:/var/spool/nagios/.ssh \
  -v ~/dev/docker/adagios/data/ \

After starting the container you can visit http://localhost/ or if you use boot2docker.

Additional Information

Please see: pschmitt/adagios README


Please see GitLab CE CentOS:6 Docker project: docker-gitlabce-el6