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PokéSlack CentOS 7 Docker image

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Home -> PokéSlack CentOS 7 Docker image

PokeSlack CentOS 7 Docker image


This is used to run a local timwah/pokeslack notification bot because it can no longer be run on Heroku. See Unexpected HTTP server response - needs 200 got 403 . Additional included features:


Usage notes

Edit the .env configuration file, then update the systemd docker-pokeslack.service script to mount the configuration file as volume as well as define the timezone settting, or run it all from command line.



Complete Example

docker build -t uqwhsu/pokeslack --rm=true --force-rm=true .

docker run -h pokeslack \
  -e LOCALTIMEZONE=Australia/Brisbane \
  -v ~/dev/docker/pokeslack/data/opt/.env:/opt/.env \

Check your #pokealert Slack channel after starting the container.

Additional Information

Please see: PokeSlack README